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What is GERD?

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (or GERD) affects over 160 million people and happens when stomach acid & food flow backwards up into the esophagus instead of down into the stomach


Nausea & vomitting

Chronic hoarseness & sore throat


Frequent heartburn

Sleep Apnea

Acidic & bitter taste in your mouth

Tooth decay

Non-cardiac chest pains

Bad breath


Difficulty swallowing




A minimally invasive laparoscopic fundoplication, also known as the ‘Anti-Reflux Procedure’ is covered by many health insurance plans because GERD is a very common problem.


The 'Anti-Reflux Procedure' requires only a few small incisions and that's what makes it minimally invasive. The laparoscope is a thin, lighted tube with  a camera on the end. It provides a live play-by-play of surgery when inserted through little incisions in the abdomen or pelvis and makes it so your surgeon doesn't need to perform an open surgery.


What this means for you is that you'll heal quicker  and get heartburn relief sooner! The fundoplication surgery works by strengthening and/or building up the barrier between your stomach and esophagus.


Strengthening this barrier makes it near impossible for stomach acids and food particles to jump over and back up into the esophagus - effectively curing the symptoms of GERD.

A new study conducted on more than 200.000 U.S. Veterans suggests that people who use common heartburn drugs for months to years ,may face heightened risks of death from heart disease ,stomach cancer and kidney failure.
                                                    (source; WebMD )

CLICK HERE For a Downloadable PDF Version of SAGES Guidelines for the surgical treatment of GERD

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